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Daily Challenge #121 - Who has the most money?

You're going on a trip with some students and it's up to you to keep track of how much money each Student has. A student is defined like this:

class Student:
def __init__(self, name, fives, tens, twenties): = name
self.fives = fives
self.tens = tens
self.twenties = twenties

As you can tell, each Student has some fives, tens, and twenties. Your job is to return the name of the student with the most money. If every student has the same amount, then return "all".


  • Each student will have a unique name
  • There will always be a clear winner: either one person has the most, or everyone has the same amount
  • If there is only one student, then that student has the most money

This challenge comes from MrAppa on CodeWars. Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!

Want to propose a challenge idea for a future post? Email with your suggestions!

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Top comments (16)

rafaacioly profile image
Rafael Acioly • Edited

there is nothing more beautiful than Python

from typing import List, Union
from dataclasses import dataclass

class Student:

  name: str
  fives: int = 0
  tens: int = 0
  twenties: int = 0

  def __str__(self):

  def __eq__(self, value):
    return self._amount() == value

  def __gt__(self, value):
    return self._amount() > value

  def __lt__(self, value):
    return self._amount() < value

  def __hash__(self):
    return self._amount()

  def _amount(self):
    return sum((
      self.fives * 5,
      self.tens * 10,
      self.twenties * 20

def most_amount(students: List[Student]) -> str:
  uniques = set(students)
  return str(max(uniques)) if len(uniques) >= 2 else "all"


student_1 = Student(name="richard", fives=25, tens=5, twenties=5)
student_2 = Student(name="helen", fives=55, tens=5, twenties=5)

print(most_amount([student_1, student_2]))  # helen
hectorpascual profile image
Héctor Pascual

Hi, check this decorator :

Will make you avoid writing some functions.

rafaacioly profile image
Rafael Acioly

Thank you Héctor i didn't know about this.

I've tried to apply it but it looks is a little shady for me, i didn't quite understand what is does and how it "magically" does the comparison

peterbunting profile image
Peter Bunting • Edited

My first attempt at F#

type Student(name,fives,tens,twenties) =
    member this.Name: string = name
    member this.Fives: int = fives
    member this.Tens: int = tens
    member this.Twenties: int = twenties
    member this.getStudentAmount  with get () = (this.Fives * 5) + (this.Tens * 10) + (this.Twenties * 20)

let a = new Student("a",1,1,1)
let b = new Student("b",1,1,1)
let c = new Student("c",1,1,1)

let students = [|a;b;c|] |> Array.sortByDescending(fun x -> x.getStudentAmount)

match students with
|_ when students.Length = 1 -> students.[0].Name
|_ when students.[0].getStudentAmount = students.[1].getStudentAmount -> "All"
|_ -> students.[0].Name

I couldn't get the syntax highlighting for F# so if anyone can point me in the right direction that would be much appreciated.

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow • Edited
    match students with
    |_ when students.Length = 1 -> students.[0].Name
    |_ when students.[0].getStudentAmount = students.[1].getStudentAmount -> "All"
    |_ -> students.[0].Name

renders as

    match students with
    |_ when students.Length = 1 -> students.[0].Name
    |_ when students.[0].getStudentAmount = students.[1].getStudentAmount -> "All"
    |_ -> students.[0].Name

(HEY, maintainers, this is one of those "won't fix bugs!" 😠 Why can't I nest backticks as in the github flavored markdown spec?)

peterbunting profile image
Peter Bunting

Thank you

dak425 profile image
Donald Feury • Edited

I put myself in here as a test case as a joke because I didn't get an allowance as a kid 😂


package education

type Trip struct {
    Students []Student

func (t Trip) Richest() string {
    sCount := len(t.Students)
    if sCount == 0 {
        return "none"
    if sCount == 1 {
        return t.Students[0].Name
    poorest, richest := t.Students[0], t.Students[0]
    for i := 1; i < sCount; i++ {
        if t.Students[i].Funds() < poorest.Funds() {
            poorest = t.Students[i]
        } else if t.Students[i].Funds() > richest.Funds() {
            richest = t.Students[i]
    if poorest.Funds() == richest.Funds() {
        return "all"
    return richest.Name

type Student struct {
    Name     string
    Fives    int
    Tens     int
    Twenties int

func (s Student) Funds() int {
    return (s.Fives * 5) + (s.Tens * 10) + (s.Twenties * 20)


package education

import "testing"

type baseTestCase struct {
    description string

var bob = Student{"Bob", 4, 0, 0}
var mary = Student{"Mary", 0, 2, 0}
var john = Student{"John", 0, 0, 1}
var goat = Student{"Goat", 0, 0, 0}
var richie = Student{"Richie", 10, 20, 100}

func TestTrip_Richest(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []struct {
        input    Trip
        expected string
            baseTestCase{"no students"},
            baseTestCase{"one student"},
            baseTestCase{"many students with same amount of funds"},
            Trip{[]Student{mary, bob, john}},
            baseTestCase{"many students with one having more"},
            Trip{[]Student{mary, bob, goat, richie}},
    for _, test := range testCases {
        if result := test.input.Richest(); result != test.expected {
            t.Fatalf("FAIL: %s - %+v.Funds(): '%s' - expected: '%s'", test.baseTestCase.description, test.input, result, test.expected)
        t.Logf("PASS: %s", test.baseTestCase.description)

func TestStudent_Funds(t *testing.T) {
    testCases := []struct {
        input    Student
        expected int
            baseTestCase{"no moniez"},
            baseTestCase{"only fives"},
            baseTestCase{"only tens"},
            baseTestCase{"only twenties"},
            baseTestCase{"all the moniez"},
    for _, test := range testCases {
        if result := test.input.Funds(); result != test.expected {
            t.Fatalf("FAIL: %s - %+v.Funds(): %d - expected: %d", test.baseTestCase.description, test.input, result, test.expected)
        t.Logf("PASS: %s", test.baseTestCase.description)
erezwanderman profile image


class Student {
  constructor(name, fives, tens, twenties) { = name;
    this.fives = fives;
    this.tens = tens;
    this.twenties = twenties;

const mostMoney = (students) => {
  const studentsMoney = (student) => student.fives * 5 + student.tens * 10 + student.twenties * 20;
  if (students.length === 1) {
    return students[0].name;
  if (students.length > 1) {
    const firstStudentMoney = studentsMoney(students[0]);
    const secondStudentMoney = studentsMoney(students[1]);
    if (firstStudentMoney === secondStudentMoney) {
      return 'all';
    let [maxName, maxMoney] = firstStudentMoney > secondStudentMoney ? [students[0].name, firstStudentMoney] : [students[1].name, secondStudentMoney];
    for (let i = 2; i < students.length; i++) {
      const money = studentsMoney(students[i]);
      if (money > maxMoney) {
        [maxName, maxMoney] = [students[i].name, money];
    return maxName;


const x = [
  new Student('John1', 2, 0, 1),
  new Student('John2', 5, 1, 0),
  new Student('John3', 40, 1, 0),
appDiv.innerText = mostMoney(x);
peterbunting profile image
Peter Bunting

Thank you Michael. I have been following your F# posts in this series and found them very helpful.

I thought about using a record type but thought it would be easier to use a class property for the match function.

If you get chance please could you show how you would approach the full solution.

Many thanks.

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow • Edited

Ridiculously over-engineered Kotlin version:

data class Student(val name: String, val fives: Int, val tens: Int, val twenties: Int)

private val Int
    get() = fives * 5 + tens * 10 + twenties * 20

sealed class StudentAccumulator {
    abstract val money: Int

object Empty : StudentAccumulator() {
    override val money = 0

data class ErrorFound(val message: String) : StudentAccumulator() {
    override val money = 0

data class MaxFound(val name: String, override val money: Int) : StudentAccumulator()
data class TieFound(override val money: Int) : StudentAccumulator()

fun generateStudentFolder(compareFn: (StudentAccumulator, Student) -> Int) = { acc: StudentAccumulator, student: Student ->
    when (acc) {
        is ErrorFound -> acc
        is Empty -> MaxFound(,
        is MaxFound -> acc.consider(student, compareFn)
        is TieFound -> acc.consider(student, compareFn)

fun MaxFound.consider(student: Student, compareFn: (StudentAccumulator, Student) -> Int) = when (compareFn(this, student)) {
    -1 -> MaxFound(,
    0 -> TieFound(
    else -> this

fun TieFound.consider(student: Student, compareFn: (StudentAccumulator, Student) -> Int) = when (compareFn(this, student)) {
    -1 -> MaxFound(,
    0 -> ErrorFound("More than one maximum")
    else -> this

fun Iterable<Student>.findMax() =
        Empty as StudentAccumulator,
        generateStudentFolder { a, b -> }

fun Iterable<Student>.findMaxName(): String {
    return when (val result = findMax()) {
        is ErrorFound -> throw Error(result.message)
        is Empty -> throw Error("No max found")
        is MaxFound ->
        is TieFound -> "all"

fun main() {
    val studentsA = listOf(Student("a", 1, 1, 1))
    val studentsB = listOf(
        Student("a", 1, 1, 1),
        Student("b", 1, 1, 1)
    val studentsC = listOf(
        Student("a", 1, 1, 1),
        Student("c", 2, 1, 1),
        Student("b", 1, 1, 1)

It's typesafe, and we could change the comparator out if we wanted to. A little kludgey in the fold section (I should probably involve Option to avoid people accidentally calling money on the Empty and Error types. 🤷‍♀️

While I love the sealed class idea in Kotlin, type erasure and lack of true pattern matching really hampers the readability. If I was able to rely on StudentAccumulator auto-casting to its internal types, then I could remove a when statement that just dispatches out to the same overloaded call with the proper type.

jbristow profile image
Jon Bristow

Ok, I fixed it. It's not too much uglier with proper Option protection...

import arrow.core.Option
import arrow.core.getOrElse

data class Student(val name: String, val fives: Int, val tens: Int, val twenties: Int)

private val Int
    get() = fives * 5 + tens * 10 + twenties * 20

sealed class StudentAccumulator {
    abstract val money: Option<Int>

object Empty : StudentAccumulator() {
    override val money = Option.empty<Int>()

data class ErrorFound(val message: String) : StudentAccumulator() {
    override val money = Option.empty<Int>()

data class MaxFound(val name: String, override val money: Option<Int>) : StudentAccumulator() {
    constructor(student: Student) : this(, Option.just(

data class TieFound(override val money: Option<Int>) : StudentAccumulator() {
    constructor(student: Student) : this(Option.just(

fun generateStudentFolder(compareFn: (StudentAccumulator, Student) -> Option<Int>) =
    { acc: StudentAccumulator, student: Student ->
        when (acc) {
            is ErrorFound -> acc
            is Empty -> MaxFound(student)
            is MaxFound -> acc.consider(student, compareFn)
            is TieFound -> acc.consider(student, compareFn)

fun MaxFound.consider(student: Student, compareFn: (StudentAccumulator, Student) -> Option<Int>) =
    compareFn(this, student).map { result ->
        when (result) {
            -1 -> MaxFound(student)
            0 -> TieFound(student)
            else -> this
    }.getOrElse { ErrorFound("Bad comparison.") }

fun TieFound.consider(student: Student, compareFn: (StudentAccumulator, Student) -> Option<Int>) =
    compareFn(this, student).map { result ->
        when (result) {
            -1 -> MaxFound(student)
            0 -> ErrorFound("More than one maximum")
            else -> this
    }.getOrElse { ErrorFound("Bad comparison.") }

fun Iterable<Student>.findMax() =
        Empty as StudentAccumulator,
        generateStudentFolder { a, b ->
   { it.compareTo( }


fun Iterable<Student>.findMaxName(): String {
    return when (val result = findMax()) {
        is ErrorFound -> throw Error(result.message)
        is Empty -> throw Error("No max found")
        is MaxFound ->
        is TieFound -> "all"

seniru profile image
Seniru Pasan Indira

My try with python

import random as rand

class Student:
    def __init__(self, name, fives, tens, twenties): = name
        self.fives = fives
        self.tens = tens
        self.twenties = twenties

    def getMoney(self):
        return self.fives * 5 + self.tens * 10 + self.twenties

    def __str__(self):
        return + " " + str(self.getMoney())

#Creating a list of students       
students = sorted([Student('Student' + str(s), rand.randint(0, 10), rand.randint(0, 10), rand.randint(0, 10)) for s in range(20) ], key=lambda s: s.getMoney(), reverse=True)

for s in students:

print('Student with highest amount:', end=' ')

if len(students) == 1:
elif students[0] == students[::-1]:

logycon profile image

In Scala -

case class Student(name : String, fives: Int, tens: Int, twenties: Int) {
  override def toString = s"${name} -> ${worth}"
  def worth: Int = 5 * fives + 10 * tens + 20 * twenties

val students = List(
  Student("1", 5, 1, 4),
  Student("2", 5, 1, 4),
  Student("3", 5, 1, 4)

val winner = students.maxBy(f => f.worth) 
val winners = (winner :: students.filter(f => f.worth == winner.worth)).distinct

if (winners.size == students.size) 
peter279k profile image

Here is the Python code snippets:

def most_money(students):
    student_name = ''
    sum_student = 0
    check_all = 0
    for student in students:
        current_sum = student.fives * 5 + student.tens * 10 + student.twenties * 20
        if current_sum > sum_student:
            sum_student = current_sum
            student_name =
        elif current_sum == sum_student:
            if check_all == 0:
                check_all += 2
                check_all += 1

    if check_all == len(students):
        return 'all'

    return student_name

hectorpascual profile image
Héctor Pascual

My Python attempt :

Using total_ordering decorator from func_tools, which only requires two implementations of the comparison methods.

from functools import total_ordering

class Student:

  def __init__(self, name, fives, tens, twenties): = name
    self.fives = fives
    self.tens = tens
    self.twenties = twenties
    # Added new property = self.fives*5 + self.tens*10 + self.twenties*20

  def __eq__(self, other):
    return ==
  def __lt__(self, other):
    return <

st1 = Student('Héctor',1,7,3)
st2 = Student('Albert',5,4,3)
st3 = Student('Jordi',1,4,3)

students = [st1, st2, st3]


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