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Daily Challenge #167 - Return String As Sorted Blocks


You will receive a string consisting of lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and digits as input. Your task is to return this string as blocks separated by dashes ("-"). The elements of a block should be sorted with respect to the hierarchy listed below, and each block cannot contain multiple instances of the same character.

The hierarchy is:

  • lowercase letters (a - z), in alphabetic order
  • uppercase letters (A - Z), in alphabetic order
  • digits (0 - 9), in ascending order


  • "21AxBz" -> "xzAB12" - since input does not contain repeating characters, you only need 1 block

  • "abacad" -> "abcd-a-a" - character "a" repeats 3 times, thus 3 blocks are needed

  • "" -> "" - an empty input should result in an empty output

This challenge comes from airatmulk on CodeWars. Thank you to CodeWars, who has licensed redistribution of this challenge under the 2-Clause BSD License!

Want to propose a challenge idea for a future post? Email with your suggestions!

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Top comments (4)

craigmc08 profile image
Craig McIlwrath

Solution in Haskell.

import Data.List (group, sortBy, intercalate)

between :: (Ord a) => a -> a -> a -> Bool
between lo hi v = v >= lo && v <= hi

compareLetters :: Char -> Char -> Ordering
compareLetters a b
  | setA < setB = LT
  | setA > setB = GT
  | otherwise   = compare a b
  where setOf c = if between 'a' 'z' c then 0
                  else if between 'A' 'Z' c then 1
                  else 2
        setA    = setOf a
        setB    = setOf b

blocks :: [[a]] -> [[a]]
blocks [] = []
blocks xss = let ys  = map head xss
                 yss = filter (not . null) $ map tail xss
             in  ys : blocks yss

blockify :: (Eq a) => ([a] -> [a]) -> [a] -> [[a]]
blockify sort = blocks . group . sort

blockifyString :: String -> String
blockifyString = intercalate "-" . blockify (sortBy compareLetters)

It sorts the input string, then groups it into arrays of each piece (e.g. "abbcddde" -> ["a", "bb", "c", "ddd", "e"]. The blocks method combines corresponding elements of the sub-arrays after grouping (continuing the example -> ["abcde", "bd", "d"]). Then the strings are joined by a hyphen. My least favorite part of my solution is the compareLetters function which determines the order of 2 letters for letters. I couldn't come up with a better way to do this.

amcmillan01 profile image
Andrei McMillan


import re

def sorted_blocks(input_str):
    str_usage = {}
    arr_list = {}

    upper_case = re.findall('[A-Z]', input_str)
    lower_case = re.findall('[a-z]', input_str)
    numbers = re.findall('[0-9]', input_str)


    for dataset in [lower_case, upper_case, numbers]:

        for item in dataset:
            if str_usage.get(item) is not None:
                str_usage[item] += 1
                str_usage[item] = 1

            index = str_usage[item]

            arr_list.setdefault(index, '')
            arr_list[index] += item

    print 'input    : "' + input_str + '"'
    print 'block(s) : "' + '-'.join(arr_list.values()) + '"'
    print ' '

# tests

# output

# input    : "21AxBz"
# block(s) : "xzAB12"
# input    : "21BxAzAasfdaXZas"
# block(s) : "adfsxzABXZ12-asA-a"
# input    : "abacad"
# block(s) : "abcd-a-a"
# input    : ""
# block(s) : ""

mellen profile image
Matt Ellen-Tsivintzeli

Someone ask on SO, and I answered:

For funzies, here's how I would have approached the problem:

const isLower = new RegExp('[a-z]');
const isUpper = new RegExp('[A-Z]'); 
const isDigit = new RegExp('[0-9]');
const isDigitOrUpper = new RegExp('[0-9A-Z]');
const isDigitOrLower = new RegExp('[0-9a-z]');
const isLowerOrUpper = new RegExp('[a-zA-Z]');

function lowerUpperNumber(a, b)
  if(isLower.test(a) &&

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