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Abhishek Chaudhary
Abhishek Chaudhary

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Smallest String With Swaps

You are given a string s, and an array of pairs of indices in the string pairs where pairs[i] = [a, b] indicates 2 indices(0-indexed) of the string.

You can swap the characters at any pair of indices in the given pairs any number of times.

Return the lexicographically smallest string that s can be changed to after using the swaps.

Example 1:

Input: s = "dcab", pairs = [[0,3],[1,2]]
Output: "bacd"
Swap s[0] and s[3], s = "bcad"
Swap s[1] and s[2], s = "bacd"

Example 2:

Input: s = "dcab", pairs = [[0,3],[1,2],[0,2]]
Output: "abcd"
Swap s[0] and s[3], s = "bcad"
Swap s[0] and s[2], s = "acbd"
Swap s[1] and s[2], s = "abcd"

Example 3:

Input: s = "cba", pairs = [[0,1],[1,2]]
Output: "abc"
Swap s[0] and s[1], s = "bca"
Swap s[1] and s[2], s = "bac"
Swap s[0] and s[1], s = "abc"


  • 1 <= s.length <= 10^5
  • 0 <= pairs.length <= 10^5
  • 0 <= pairs[i][0], pairs[i][1] < s.length
  • s only contains lower case English letters.


from collections import defaultdict

class Solution:
    def dfs(self, graph, node, visited):
        for j in graph[node]:
            if j not in visited:
                self.dfs(graph, j, visited)

    def smallestStringWithSwaps(self, s: str, pairs: List[List[int]]) -> str:
        op = list(s)
        graph = defaultdict(list)
        for a, b in pairs:
        globalvisited = set()
        for x in graph:
            if x not in globalvisited:
                currvisited = {x}
                self.dfs(graph, x, currvisited)
                indexes = sorted(currvisited)
                indexes_asc = sorted(currvisited, key = lambda p: s[p])
                n = len(indexes)
                for i in range(n):
                    op[indexes[i]] = s[indexes_asc[i]]
        return "".join(op)
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